Draconic space monorail
Procedural generation of absurd public transport networks using p5js.
I'm a system administrator, artist and activist, and I'm trying to make the various fields in which I'm knowledgeable more accessible, in the same spirit as my job in popular education
I have a Master Degree in "Not being consistent" and "somehow fixing stuff that I do not understand"
This website is alive so it's constantly changing, both in content and form.
Procedural generation of absurd public transport networks using p5js.
More projects here
I make art (sometimes):
Warning, heavy pages, still needs optimisation
More on art.nemecl.eu
And I write (irregularly) on various topics, ranging from system administration to LGBTI rights and anarchism:
More on txt.nemecl.eu
And I also share various notes that I take on various technologies I work with.
More on wiki.nemecl.eu
Watch out! colours